2019 ICPD (International Conference of Planning and Design)邀請劉建國教授 (Professor Jianguo Liu)蒞臨本校為大會進行專題演講


時間:2019/05/29 Wed. 10:40進場 10:50~12:00演講


講題:Systems Integration for Planning and Design

內容摘要:Systems integration is holistic approaches that cross disciplines, space, time, and organizational levels. This talk will demonstrate the importance of systems integration using examples from long-term interdisciplinary research on complex human-nature interactions and associated planning and design. It will also illustrate applications of findings from a local panda reserve to regional, national and global scales. The talk with conclude with ideas for future design and planning research and education to sustain the metacoupled world where human-nature interactions occur within and among different places.
ICPD網頁 https://2019icpd.com/

美國密西根大學特聘教授 劉建國博士

Distinguished Prof. Jianguo (Jack) Liu (劉建國 特聘教授)
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, USA

2018年劉教授被Clarivate Analytics遴選為“Highly Cited Researcher”,即全球最具影響力的研究人員。
同年度Prof. Liu更成為American Academy of Arts and Sciences院士。
(請參考ICPD大會網頁介紹 https://2019icpd.com/speaker)

2019 ICPD (International Conference of Planning and Design)

ICPD (International Conference of Planning and Design) 係由國立成功大學規劃與設計學院每兩年主辦一次之國際研討會,為一搭建學術研究和實踐經驗的創新方向和趨勢之產學平台,分享建築、工業設計、都市計畫與創意產業等領域之相關研究成果。自2001年規劃與設計學院成立,今年邁入第十屆 (https://2019icpd.com/)。過往20年間,研討會主題橫跨永續環境發展、創意互動、HCD (Human-Centered Design)、智慧與綠能、未來城市與設計、設計思考與實踐等,以主題演講、研究成果發表與座談分享等形式,持續為規劃與設計領域提供實踐與研究的分享與交流平台。

本屆ICPD之主題設定為「再生與革新:設計教育的未來(Renaissance and Innovation: the Future of Design Education)」。設計思考 (design thinking) 作為一門學科,正隨著知識疆界的模糊化而不斷擴張,從實質的個體、空間到服務體驗與組織,面臨的不再是單一化的領域,而是一個相互依存的社會本體,本屆的國際研討會期從設計思考出發,尋求規劃與設計教育的前瞻價值定位與貢獻。

2019年ICPD大會專題演講:“Systems Integration for Planning and Design”


系統整合是一項跨領域的整體方法,包含空間、時間和組織等層面。全球化的現代社會,各樣議題也全球化,包含:氣候變遷、生態物種消失、糧食安全等,系統整合企圖將人與自然的系統,透過時間、空間、架構的研究,了解各系統間與系統內的關聯性,並以「全程耦合」(Metacoupling)作為研究之根基,說明其於四川臥龍國家級自然保護區(Wolong Nature Reserve)中的運用實例與成果。此實例中展現了人之生活環境與生態互動的關聯性,涵括熊貓之原始棲息環境、食物來源、人類之活動行為等,並衍生至景觀研究、規劃及設計的運用,也同時影響中國之國際外交與熊貓的保護意識與觀光效益。



Systems integration is holistic approaches that cross disciplines, space, time, and organizational levels.  This talk will demonstrate the importance of systems integration using examples from long-term interdisciplinary research on complex human-nature interactions and associated planning and design. It will also illustrate applications of findings from a local panda reserve to regional, national and global scales. The talk with conclude with ideas for future design and planning research and education to sustain the metacoupled world where human-nature interactions occur within and among different places.


