Professor & Associate Vice President for General Affairs
Chen Chih-Hung
- Title:
Professor & Associate Vice President for General Affairs - Email:
chihhungchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw - Lab:
50212 - TEL:
06-2757575 ext.54229 - Education:
Dr.-Ing., Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany - Specialities:
Urban MorphologyUrban History during the Early Modern and Modern Period
European Urban Study
Knowledge based Urban Development
Urban Design / Stadtebau
Architectural Design
- Freier Architekt (AL.-Nr.: 5210), Germany
- Mitglied der Architektenkammer Sachsen, Germany
- Lehr- u. Forschungspersonal, Center for Knowledge Architecture, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
- Teaching Assistant, Center for Basic Design, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
- Dissertation Award: “magna cum laude”
Refereed Papers
- Chen, C. H., Lai, Y. H., 2010.09, Vision of the Past: Interbau 1957 and the Post-War Urban Design, Journal of architecture, 73: 207-224 (TSSCI)
Conference Papers
- Chen, Chih-Hung, Lin, Woan-Shiuan (2014). Morphological process as an instrument for knowing chronological character: a case study in Tainan. 21st International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF-2014), Porto, Portugal. Papers have been double-blind peer reviewed. (accepted)
- Chih-Hung Chen, Chiung-Wen Liang (2014). Interpret planning gap caused from accomplished roads by identifying building forms. 21st International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF-2014), Porto, Portugal. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. Papers have been double-blind peer reviewed. (accepted)
- Chih-Hung Chen, Chia-Hua Tsai (2014). The evolution of urban form since post-war period in Taiwan: a case study of Yonghe City. 21st International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF-2014), Porto, Portugal. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. Papers have been double-blind peer reviewed. (accepted)
- Chih-Hung Chen, Woan-Shiuan Lin, (2014). Arcade in the old Centre as an Instrument of the creative Milieu on Aspect of Knowledge Processes. In: Daniela Carlucci, JC Spender, Giovanni Schiuma (Eds.), Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth. 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD-2014). pp. 2276-2291. Matera, Italy. (double-blind peer reviewed) (ISBN 978-88-96687-04-8; ISSN 2280-787X)
- Lin, Ting-Ju, Chen, Chih-Hung, Cheng & Hsien-Hsin (2014). The Difference of Wayfinding between Individual and Group – A Case Study of Traditional Ally Space in Tainan City. The 2014 Forum on Land Use and Planning, Tainan, Taiwan. (doubleblind peer reviewed) (ISSN 2307-0196)
- Chien, Ting-Yu, Kung, Shiann-Far & Chen, Chih-Hung (2014). A Study on Shrinking Cities in Taiwan Based on the Transformation of Urban Structures in Population and Industry. The 2014 Forum on Land Use and Planning, Tainan, Taiwan. (double-blind peer reviewed) (ISSN 2307-0196)
- Chen, C. H., Hsu, L. F., Li, Y. P., 2013.09, Spaces of Fractional Lots as Potential Places for Knowledge Production, the 6th Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS-2013), Istanbul, Turkey. 632-640. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. Papers have been double-blind peer reviewed. Publisher, Lookus Scientific. (ISBN 978-9944-380-11-9)
- Noennig, J. R., Chen, C. H. and Bade, A., 2011.10, Knowledge Sensitivity: a new instrument for correlating knowledge development and urban formation, the 4th Knowledge Cities World Summit, Bento Goncalves, Brazil. 285-292 (ISBN 978-1-921887-15-3)
Book & Others
- Kuo, Beryl Z., Kung, S. F., Chen, C. H., 2013, European Capital of Culture. YLPC, Taipei, Taiwan. – Chen, C. H., 2012, Korrelation zwischen Siedlungsmorphologie und Migrationsverhalten: Eine Methode zur apriorischen Umwandlung vom Siedlungsraumcharakter zur Sozialpsychologischen Raumqualitat.published Dr.-Ing. Dissertation. SLUB, Dresden, Germany.
- Chen, C. H., 2007, Topologie der Stadt: Diachrone Betrachtung der stadtischen Lebenssysteme. unpublished Diplomarbeit. Dresden, Germany.
Department of Urban Planning, NCKU
Address: No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886-6-2757575 #54200