Associate Professor
Chia-An Ku
- Title:
Associate Professor - Email:
kuchiaan@gs.ncku.edu.tw - Lab:
50209 - TEL:
06-2757575 ext. 54219 - Education:
PhD in Geography, University of Cambridge - Specialities:
Disaster management and spatial planning
Climate change adaptation and planning
Spatial-temporal simulation and analysis
Dynamic modelling of urban development.
- Associate Professor – Department of Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University (2023.02~-)
- National Taipei University, Office of International Affairs, Director of International Cooperation (2018.08 ~ 2022.03)
- National Taipei University, Office of International Affairs, Director of International Student Affairs (2017.08 ~ 2018.07)
- National Taipei University, Center for Global Change and Sustainability Science, Research staff (2016.10 ~ 2022.12)
- National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Climate Change Division, Assistant Research Fellow (2016.03 ~ 2016.12)
- Universitiy of Cambridge, Department of Geography, Demonstrator (2014.03 ~ 2015.03)
- Universitiy of Cambridge, Masters Course of Social Science Research Methods Centre, Demonstrator (2014.03 ~ 2015.03)
- Universitiy of Cambridge,Taiwanese Society, Vice president (2013.03 ~ 2014.03)
- Metropolitan Engineering Consultants Co Ltd., Urban Planner (2012.01 ~ 2012.12)
- National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Building & Planning, Research Assistant (2010.03 ~ 2011.03)
- 2021 Academic Research Award, National Taipei University
- 2018 Excellence Teacher Award of Sub-projects in Higher Education Sport Project
- 2018 Excellent Mentor, National Taipei University
- 2018 MOST Young Scholar Fellowship, Ministry of Science and Technology
- 2017 Taipei Smart Ecological Community Design Competition – Outstanding Supervisor Award
- 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award, National Taipei University
- 2015 Alwyn Heong Fund Grant, Downing College, University of Cambridge, UK
- 2014 Philip Lake Fund, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, UK
- 2013 Fieldwork Fund, University of Cambridge, UK
- 2013 Philip Lake Fund, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, UK
- 2010 The Member of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China
- 2010 Outstanding Research Paper Award, Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning
- 2010 Disaster Management of Government Fellowship for Studying Abroad
Refereed Papers
- Ku, C. A. (2021) Simulating Future Land Use Exposure to Extreme Floods in Metropolitan Areas based on an Integrated Framework﹐Urban Climate﹐Vol. 35, 100738. (SCIE, IF:6.663)
- Ku, C. A. (2020) Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Relationship between Air Quality and Urban Land-use Patterns based on an Integrated Method, Sustainability, Vol.12 No.7, PP.2964~2980. (SSCI, SCIE, IF:3.889)
- Ku, C. A. and H. K. Tsai (2020) Evaluating the Influence of Urban Morphology on Urban Wind Environment Based on CFD simulation﹐ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information﹐ Vol.9 No.6 , PP.399~. (SCIE, IF:3.099)
- Ku, C. A. (2020) An Agent-based Model for Simulating Complex Urban Dynamic Development Patterns, City and Planning, 47(2): 149-172. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
- Ku, C. A. and Liu, J. T. (2020) Spatial Relationship between Land Use and Flood Potential-A Case Study of Taichung City, City and Planning, 47(1): 27-52. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
- Zhuge, C., Li, X., Ku, C. A., Gao, J. and Zhang, H.(2017) A Heuristic-Based Population Synthesis Method for Micro-Simulation in Transportation﹐KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 21(6): 2372-2383 (SCIE, IF:2.115)
- Ku., C. A. (2016) Incorporating Spatial Regression into Cellular Automata for Simulating Land Use Change, Applied Geography, 69:1-9. (SSCI, IF:4.732)
- Tsou, K. W. Ku, C. A., Kuo H. F. (2014) Simulating Impact of Extreme Urban Flooding on Land Use Pattern in Taipei, Taiwan, City and Planning, 41(1): 43-66. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
- Lin, F. T., Wu, C. H., Ku, C. A., Tseng, W. Y. (2011) The Research on Modeling Land Use and Land Cover Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area- The case study of Xinzhuang and Danshui Districts, National Geographic Information System Quarterly, 77: 62-69
Conference Papers
- 張家瑄、顧嘉安(2022年4月),應用多準則評估建構智慧韌性指標系統─以六都為例,第二十六屆 (2022年) 國土論壇,台南:成功大學。(線上)
- 黃星凱、顧嘉安(2022年4月),以交通運輸模式探索自動駕駛汽車發展情境對於都市發展之衝擊─以桃園市為例,第二十六屆 (2022年) 國土論壇,台南:成功大學。(線上)
- You, T. S. T., Ku, C. A. and Tseng, T. A. (2022) How Multiple Natural Disasters Affect the Housing Market in Taiwan, 28th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Virtual Conference. (online)
- 蔡尚璇、顧嘉安(2020年5月),以空間規劃觀點評估都市熱島與空氣污染之調適策略—以板橋(浮洲地區)都市計畫劃定更新地區為,2020第七屆都市計畫與空間資訊研討會,台中市, 台灣。
- 蘇阡慧、顧嘉安(2020年5月),不同降雨延時下土地使用減洪策略模擬與評估-以南崁地區都市計畫為例﹐2020第七屆都市計畫與空間資訊研討會﹐台中市, 台灣。
- Ku, C. A (2019) Simulating Future Flood Risk under Climate and Land-use Change in Urban Areas﹐ICAPPS 2019, International Conference of Asia-Pacific Planning Societies, Seoul, South Korea.
- 蔡弘凱、顧嘉安(2019年5月),以都市型態觀點探討減緩熱島效應之風環境模式,2019第十七屆土地研究學術研討會﹐屏東市,台灣。
- Ku, C. A.(2018) A Large-scale Agent-based Model for Simulating Urban Land-use Change in a Metropolitan Area, Social Simulation Conference, the 14th Annual Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, Stockholm.
- 呂青、顧嘉安(2017年12月),新市鎮開發之土地利用變遷模型初探- 以航空城捷運綠線 G12~G13a 車站整體開發地區為例,2017中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、中華城市管理學會聯合年會暨論文研討會,台北市,台灣。
- Ku, C. A. (2016) Assessing the Effectiveness of Land-use Planning on Urban Flood Risk Reduction – An Integrated Modelling Approach﹐23rd Pacific Science Congress, Taipei.
- Ku, C. A. and Tsou, K. W., (2010) Simulating Impact of Urban Flood on Land Use Pattern based on Markovian Cellular Automata─Case Study of Taipei City, Taiwan, 15th Inter-university seminar on Asian megacities, Japan: Tokyo.
- 顧嘉安、鄒克萬 (2009) 都市洪災風險調適策略之空間動態模擬,2009 年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會聯合年會暨論文研討會論文集,台北市,台灣。
- Ku, C. A. and Chang, H. S., (2009) A GIS-based Cellular Automata Method for Evaluating Smart Growth Strategy in Chiayi City, Taiwan, 5th International Conference of Planning and Design, Taiwan: Tainan
Book & Others
Research Projects
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research project: Nature-Based Innovation System for Urban Sustainability Transition and Resilience (Main Project and the Sixth Sub-projects)(111-2621-M-002-011–), 2022.8-2023.7 (Co- Principal Investigator)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research project: Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Dynamic Relationship between Smart City Development, Air Quality and Urban Heat Island (110-2410-H-305-067-MY2) , 2021.8-2023.7 (Principal Investigator)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research project: An integrated spatial and temporal evaluation framework for flood-resilient cities in the future under climate change (3/3) (109-2636-H-305-001-), 20200201~20210131 (Principal Investigator)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research project: An integrated spatial and temporal evaluation framework for flood-resilient cities in the future under climate change (2/3) (108-2636-H-305-001-), 20190201~20200131 (Principal Investigator)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research project: An integrated spatial and temporal evaluation framework for flood-resilient cities in the future under climate change (1/3) (107-2636-H-305-001-), 20180201~20190131 (Principal Investigator)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research project: An Integrated Simulation Model for Land Use Change in Metropolitan Areas (105-2410-H-305 -091 -), 20161101-20180131 (Principal Investigator)
Department of Urban Planning, NCKU
Address: No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886-6-2757575 #54200